Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kiehl's Mix Marketing

  • Product
Kiehl’s is an american brand created since 1851. The name Kiehl’s comes from the founder’s own name. This is a brand which lasts since 160 years old, this shows the long history of the brand in the cosmetics industry.
Concerning the logo, it’s a very elegant and simple logo. It’s written in dark font with a white background which make it very readable and clear.
The logo is completely in line with the different packaging and design of the products which are also very simple. The products looks like a pharmaceutical bottle with detailed instructions on the benefits, the ingredients and how to use it directly on the bottle.
Concerning the range of product, it’s divided into 5 categories on the website:
-       Skin Care
-       Body Care
-       Men Care
-       Hair Care
-       Baby Care
-       Perfume
For my experience, in Kiehl’s’ shop, I didn’t see the baby care and the perfume product.

Moreover, the quality of the product has been proved since 160 years old, Kiehl’s keeps its origin of its pharmacist’s experience and it can be seen in the choice of the ingredient used. In the same time, Kiehl’s tries to use natural ingredients as much as possible in every product because the brand also cares about the environment and it chooses the best ingredients for people’s skin.  Indeed, the brand is involved in environment by using packaging done with recyclable materials.

  • Price
Kiehl’s’ products goes from 10 to 60 euros. Kiehl’s is positioned as an mid-upscale brand.
For example, customer’s favourite body cream costs 20,5 euros
Their midnight recovery concentrate costs 39 euros.. 

And their eau de toilette spray is 53 euros.

  Sources : from Kiehls' website (

  • Place

About the distribution of the Kiehl’s’ product in France, Kielh’s is distributed in their own stores. We have 8 Kiehl’s’ store in France. 

 Sources: from cpp-luxury

Kiehl’s is also present in department store like Galeries Lafayette with their own corner.

Sources: from Flicker

And finally, the brand is also distributed in some concept store like Colette.
Sources: from Colette

In total, Kiehl’s is present in 23 stores, corners, and concept stores in France.

Besides its physical stores, Kiehl’s benefits also from its website e-shop.

  • Communication

Kiehl’s doesn’t invest a lot in communication. Kiehl’s doesn’t do any TV commercial nor billboard ads. Indeed, the brand prefers to invest in Research & Development for its product.
However, the brand tries to be close to its consumer and they are present on social media. Kiehl’s has a twitter account, a facebook fan page, a blog and is even on Foursquare which is dedicated to the geo-localization.
Here is the different links for these 2 medias:
-       Facebook fan page
-       Twitter account
Kiehl’s seems to be very involved on these medias, it’s interactive, and the brand is very innovant in suggesting games, contests and events…

I hope that the mix marketing for Kiehl’s have been useful and you learnt more about this brand. Don’t hesitate to follow their current event through our blog and also through their different medias of communication.

Do you think that the strategy of communication of the brand is effective? Were you aware of the presence of this brand on these medias? And do you find it useful?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Test of Kiehl’s samples by Catherine

Hello everybody, it’s been one week that I use the samples given by Kiehl’s so today I’m gonna share my experience with you on these 3 samples that correspond to my skin.
First, let me show you again the prescription given by the saleswoman at Kiehl’s.

I have an oily skin so she recommends me three products: a cleanser, a toner and a moisturizer.

 Sources : from Kiehls' website (

Usually, I just use a cream for oily skin. I also clean my face once a week with a gel for oily skin and that’s it. With these two products, I was quite satisfied.
But after trying these Kiehl’s’ products I must say that I see a big gap in my face.
For the cleanser, when massaging myself and rinse it, my face and my hand was very dry, so the product like its name has cleaned every oily aspect of my face. It’s like it has remove all the oil of my face.
For the toner, I’m not used to put it on my face and frankly, I didn’t notice the difference using it or not using it. But I’ll continue to use it to see if there is a difference but I’m not convinced by it.
And for the moisturizer, it’s a good surprise because it’s not a cream but a lotion, that means it’s really fluid. When I use it, it’s really light, you don’t have any sensation of oily cream, when you put on your face, after a few seconds it’s like it has disappeared. So you don’t really feel it but it moisturizes your face, it’s kind of strange because of its lightness and it’s what I like. I put it on the morning and it lasts all the day without having your face irritated.

So as a conclusion I’m really satisfied of the cleanser and the lotion and I think I’ll get them for Christmas ^^About the lotion, I’ll probably ask for more samples to try again.

Have you tried one of these three products?  Or you may have tried other products, feel free to share your experience …

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kielh's Brand building blocks

Source: Brand building blocks  adapted from Peter Dyson

Kiehl's Brand Resonance Pyramid

Source: Kevin Lane Keller (2001)

Kiehl’s Brand Equity: 10 components to value the brand

    1. Commitment

Kiehl’s is a socially-conscious brand with an innate sense of generosity. It used to launch limited-edition products in order to raise funds for charity institutions.

Waterkeeper Alliance
For example, Kiehl’s launched the limited edition Superbly Restorative Argan Body Lotion for which all proceeds went to the Waterkeeper Alliance.

Rainforest Alliance
Moreover, Kiehl’s launched the limited edition ACAI Damage Protecting Toning Mist. This product raised over $200,000 for the Rainforest Alliance, an organization dedicated to preserving biodiversity.


International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children
Recently, Kiehl’s partnered with Jeff Koons and unveiled a limited edition Crème de Corps collection. All proceeds went to the Koons Family Institute, whose mission is to coordinate a global network of organizations fighting child exploitation and abduction. The product raised $225,000!

Peace Love Kiehl’s
Kiehl’s collaborated with renowned artist to create safer environments for children with 100% of the proceeds from the limited edition Crème de Corps Holiday collection.

Eco Systems
The Aloe Vera Biodegradable Liquid Body Cleanser was created in partnership with Brad Pitt. Kiehl’s donated $250,000 to JPF Eco Systems to rebuild New Orleans.

Youth Aids
It is rare that a company was known as much for its products as for the values it defends. More than 30 years ago, the founding family expressed its public-spirited commitment in the "Mission of KIEHL’S" which consists in a constant concern about truth and justice and a active participation in the life of the estate.
The commitment of Kiehl’s beside several humanitarian organizations is notorious, in particular its global partnership with the organization "Youth Aids", in which all the proceeds went to. This association fights against the extension of the AIDS virus.

Since 1996, $1,000,000 were donated in the fight against AIDS thanks to Kiehl’s customers generous supports.

   2. Protection
Kiehl’s logo and URLs are trademarked. Most of Kiehl’s URLs are consistent across international markets except for Singapore ( instead of

   3. Clarity
Kiehl’s’ logo is designed in a simple, professional and elegant manner. It uses classic black & white colors to make its logo very clear and clean. This logo resonates with the aim of their skin care products, unadorned and efficient.

Indeed, Kiehl’s packaging is often in black and white. This choice permits to focus customers’ attention on the ingredients listed on the package and on the benefits shown.

   4. Responsiveness
Nowadays, customers demand more customized and dermatological products. They attach importance to skin care, body care and hair care products that both are gentle and effective. Moreover, they prefer adapted products with specific effect that better suit their expectations.
Thus, Kiehl’s has a strong responsiveness and already set for the next wave of consumers’ trend, being one of the few dermatological skin care brands in the market.
We can take the example of the male segment which is increasingly beauty savvy and the introduction of Kiehl’s dedicated products for men since 1961. By being precursor, Kiehl’s obtains a strong brand preference and image among male.

In the female market also customers reward this responsiveness by claiming that they will re-purchase Kiehl’s products and recommend them to friends.

   5. Authenticity
Kiehl’s is a really authentic brand with a long history: “Kiehl’s since 1851” and a unique heritage from its pharmaceutical roots.
Moreover, Kiehl’s kept the same values from its creation: natural ingredients, environmental and social concerns, scientific background.


   6. Relevance
Customers are increasingly interested in natural products; they want to take care of them and of the environment. So they are seeking added-value when they buy a product. With Kiehl’s, they obtain commitments in the protection of the environment and in the support of population.
Moreover, customers are willing to pay more for products like this, so with its premium positioning, Kiehl’s is really relevant. Kiehl’s customers claimed that even if they consider Kiehl’s prices as high, they will re-purchase products.

   7. Understanding
Kiehl’s is particularly sensitive to understanding customers’ expectations. Its “Try before you buy” concept really creates strong customers’ loyalty.
Kiehl’s try to better know its customers’ expectations by asking directly to them and involve them in the discussion.
Indeed, this seminar is a good example of the Kiehl’s strategy.

Source: adapted from

   8. Consistency
Kiehl’s is a really consistent brand. Indeed, it preserves it strong image by implementing a distinct layout and design for its stores to make it unmistakable. Moreover, Kiehl’s format is the same all over the world and reproduces the same brand ethos.
Kiehl’s marketing campaigns are also consistent by following brand values. They minimize above the line advertising and rely on low-cost promotional activities to gain buzz in the market.

   9. Presence
Kiehl’s is present in all key regional market. It has flagship stores in 38 countries most of them are located in Asia.
Kiehl’s never advertise, the brand deliberately opted not to use advertising preferring to rely on extremely generous sampling to enable as many consumers as possible to test its products and drive word of mouth.

Unlike other companies, Kiehl’s remains dedicated to its sampling program. Kiehl’s gives away more than 12 million samples a year, which is 80% of their total marketing budget. Their famously generous sampling practices allows customers to take home mini sizes of whatever they want, while not hurting the company’s profitability – Kiehl’s lets the product speaks for itself! 

   10. Differentiation
An important reason why individuals join groups or communities is to satisfy their needs for identity. Firms might exploit this societal tendency to gain a competitive advantage. Kiehl’s adopted this strategic approach to access privileged customers’ information, from which they can build a product differentiation advantage. By adhering and supporting a well-defined set of values, Kiehl’s both achieves community membership and strengthens the sense of identity that its target communities provide to their members. Kiehl’s protects its differentiation advantage by turning its products into symbols of the communities to which its customers belong.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Analysis of Kiehl's and French main competitors' brand components




So Insiders, what do you think?? Do you agree with this analysis?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kiehl’s competitve rivalry

Good morning insiders!

Previously, we identified Kiehl’s main competitors. But let’s analyze the competitive rivalry around the brand through the Porter Model.
Indeed, in analyzing the 5 forces described by Porter, we can the intensity of the competition around Kiehl’s in France.
First, we can say that, for the moment, there is not so much new entrants on the French natural cosmetics market. However, Customers and suppliers are very important stakeholders in this market. Indeed, the identity of natural cosmetics brand is mostly based on qualified ingredients, so without suppliers, there is no more products. Then, as it is a niche market, the customer has a strong power regarding the future of the market. However, the state has no significant power on this market in France. And as it is a niche market with very specific products, subsitutes have no power.

So to conclude, we can say that the competitive rivalry is relatively not very intense around Kiehl’s. Natural Cosmetics industry is growing in France but each brand is positioned quiet differently and bring its own specific added value.

Do you think Kiehl’s is unique and irreplaceable? For you, what are the elements that differentiate Kiehl’s from its competitors?

See you insiders for another Khiel’s secret!